Micro Film -
"You Are Not Alone"

 Source: Institute of Brain Medicine (IBM)


The Hong Kong Society of Biological Psychiatry (HKSBP) was founded by a group of Hong Kong psychiatrists and researchers interested in the biological aspects of psychiatry. HKSBP is a member society of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP). Council members of the Society include many prominent psychiatrists from the universities, public hospitals as well as the private sector.

The focal objects for which the Society is established are:

  • To promote education and the attainment of the highest level of knowledge and understanding in the field of biological psychiatry. Biological psychiatry involves mainly the biological and medical aspect of psychiatry, compared to psycho-social aspects

  • To foster and grant scholarships to encourage scientific research and development, studies, surveys, investigations or discussions in the field of biological psychiatry

  • To establish and maintain an efficient collaboration with international and national learned societies, governmental organizations, professional associations and other groups, societies, institutions and individuals who contribute to progress in the field of biological psychiatry
  • Executive Committee:

    Current Past and Founding President: Professor Tang Siu-Wa
    President: Dr. Wong Ming Cheuk Michael
    Vice President : Dr. Chung Kar Kin Albert
    Honorary Secretary: Dr. Cheung Hon Kee Henry
    Honorary Treasurer: Dr. Tsang Suk Kwan Jenny
    Committee Members: Dr. Iu Pui-Chuen
    Dr. Lo Chun-Wai
    Dr. Lo Ka Ying Heidi
    Professor Wing Yun-Kwok
    Dr. Wong Chung Hin Willy

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